

WAR: In the Faces of the Children

April 3, 2003 Marking the spot where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet is an apple tree with a double trunk. This gnarled tree bears a bronzed plaque: "Here the holy tree of our ancestors Adam and Eve grew." For some Iraqi scholars this place, near the outskirts of Qurnan in southeastern Iraq, is the Garden of Eden. In spring 1991, as a part of a humanitarian aid team, I took medical supplies to the pediatric hospitals in Iraq. A broken tree on the Euphrates banks heralded, for me, a far different reality: not of Eden, but of death.

Power Yoga: Easy She Sweats

Ropes, straps and other implements of potential torture hang on the studio's walls. The shelves are filled with bolsters, pranayama pillows, blocks, mats and blankets. The hardwood floors are polished, and mirrors cover the back wall. A fountain trickles in the background, and a CD player plays soft music. Tonight, an electric heater keeps the room warmed to a toasty level, a prerequisite for sweat-inducing power yoga.
