Do You Have a Seat at the Table?


Right now, across the country, people are marching, demonstrating and protesting for change. Americans are laying out their demands on both sides of the aisle and coming to the table with the potential leaders of tomorrow to exchange views. But while the rest of the country is erupting in loud public discourse, it seems that apathy has gripped a large portion of our state. Where Mississippians once led at the forefront of the movement for change, it looks as though we have become content and reliant upon others.

We no longer see the plight of the state as "our" responsibility. We feel that the responsibility now belongs to the shadowy figures that we all discuss in terms of "them" and "they." It appears that memories of our great activists are fading. We are far removed from the great men and women who placed their lives on the line for what they believed in. We are more than five decades removed from civil rights champions such as Medgar Wiley Evers, who gave his life for the cause of change. It's become increasingly difficult for us to clearly recall the trials of James Meredith, when he led the fight for integration at the University of Mississippi. Something inside us has vanished, and we need to find it again.

In 2013, I traveled from my home in Jackson to the Mississippi Delta to film the documentary "Clarksdale at the Crossroad." While there, it brought tears to my eyes to see the level of poverty that still exists in Mississippi. We have the highest poverty rate in the country. Our state has the lowest median household income at $37,432. Mississippi finished last on Forbes' list of "The Best States for Business and Careers." The state ranks in the bottom three on both college and high-school attainment rates.

It's time to ask ourselves why. Why is the level of poverty in small towns across Mississippi so high? The blame for this, as well as other issues, rests on our political leaders. Our educational system is suffering because of a lack of funding. Many corporations are now refusing to do business in our state—all because of the decisions that these politicians have made. The only way to fix these problems that we face is to not be afraid to buck the norms and make bold decisions in the voting booth.

We must critically examine our political leaders, and our leaders must be willing to hold themselves accountable to the people. After all, this is the driving force of democracy. No one has the "right" to lead Americans. The people grant them an incredible privilege to serve. Mississippians have to realize that it is our right and our duty to demand a seat at the table. It is our duty to call for leaders to create initiatives and programs that improve our community, creating jobs and enabling children to receive a quality education. If political leaders can't guarantee these things, then it is our duty to call them back put someone else in the position that can.

When First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at Jackson State University, she detailed a lot of the state's history. She talked about the murder of Emmett Till and the shooting of Medgar Evers. She spoke about the blight on our history, but she also discussed how we rose above our demons and became a gleam of hope for the country. I would like to think that she came here because she and the president recognize the potential of Mississippi. I would like to think that when the federal government plans strategies in Washington, D.C., our great state is at the forefront, and there are plans being made to help us advance. But while I have no doubt that Washington has positive ideas for our state, we can't depend on those outside of Mississippi to lead us forward. They can help, but for our state to make the progress that it needs to make, we must take the reigns. We can't lead from behind. Mississippians have to be the standard-bearers for change.

But we must first start a conversation. We have to talk to one another about the reality of our state. I'm asking our leaders at all levels to get involved. You must spread the message of progress and community. Let's appeal for an accord on our commonalities. If you have anyone that looks up to you as a role model, then this is a position of influence that you must use in a positive way. If you are in a position of leadership within the faith-based community, we need you. Those of us in positions of corporate leadership must be willing to partner with our religious counterparts in order to help one another. If you are a young leader, don't wait. It's time now for all of us to step up to the plate and get involved in moving Mississippi forward. Sometimes, moving forward means making hard decisions, but we can't run away.

We owe it to those who came before us—and to ourselves—to vote for progress and positive change. Mississippi has come far, and I know that we will go even further.

Let's reclaim our seat at the table.

Duvalier Malone is the CEO and founder of Duvalier Malone Enterprises.


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