Chatter: from jfp.ms, on Election Analysis


The election analysis is actually no surprise. Lee is backed by white voters and money. Historically whites in this city have benefitted economically from mayors who have been willing to maintain the status quo.

Blacks have been disappointed over and over again from these mayors' willingness to sell them out in order to keep "white Jacksonians" happy and to maintain their place of "the acceptable" black. Mr. Lumumba has never been nor ever will work to enrich himself off of the disadvantages of people of color specifically and will continue to work for the human rights for all.

If divisiveness means wanting the majority of the people who live, work and die, in this city to reap equal benefits, I know you won't get an apology from Mr. Lumumba, nor should you. He is committed to equality of opportunity and human rights. We will continue to be independent and fight or every vote.

This is a people's movement, not a corporate takeover one. This city stands at the crossroads of a few benefitting/status quo or voting for a candidate that believes in the citizens of Jackson being great.


Sarah, a lot of African Americans support Lee, too. The younger creative class of people in Jackson will surely carry Lee to a victory; we're tired of the older generation being divisive, and that's for both races.

It's our time.


I do agree that this is a people's movement, because I'm sure a large number of people will be moving if Lumumba is elected.

Lee does indeed carry some baggage, but so does Lumumba. I just can't possible see Lumumba doing anything but dividing a city already divided.


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