Jackson: Stop the Scorched-Earth Politics

Jackson city elections are not our city at its best. Inevitably, one or more candidates wage scorched-earth campaigns that make our city look like a hellhole. In order to defeat an incumbent, these "campaigners" stab and stab and stab, constantly pointing out every negative they can find (whether or not they're the fault of the incumbent) and make it sound like nothing has improved in our city for 20 years. What city are they living in?

People who support an incumbent, or who just don't buy that nothing positive has happened in a decade, get treated like the enemy. How dare we not join the dive into the negativity baths for months before the election? How dare we say something good about an incumbent they don't like? How dare we talk back to them?

We've seen this attitude in spades in recent weeks from people who actually talk about their love for Jackson. They claim to be "Jackson warriors" (a phrase the JFP coined for the real ones), but they find every possible problem and challenge and magnify it for the world to see.

And, boy, does the world see it. On social media of late, we've seen person after person who lives outside Jackson jump on this bandwagon and use our own citizens' words against us. Many of those citizens have done good things in the past, but they are willing to split the baby in half as long as it gets their guy elected.

Meantime, the rest of feel like the whole city has been beaten up; it is demoralizing for so many people, inside and outside local government, who have worked so hard to help this city become all she can be.

Not to mention, it's disrespectful to the older public servants who have slogged through racism, corruption and continual politics of division. Maybe they didn't do everything perfectly--you know, like each and every one of us would if in office--but, good golly, do they deserve such an ugly send-off? It's sickening when you take time to really listen to what is said.

The problem is that a handful of negative people with megaphones can sow this kind of division and even set us up to give away our power to the state and the suburbs (which many folks out yonder eagerly await).

Jackson can, and must, be better than this. Yes, there is a serious role for fact-based reporting about would-be and current public servants, and we have taken that job seriously and will continue to through the (presumed) runoffs and beyond.

In fact, the nasty-mill got so dumb and personal of late that we set up a special Factcheck Jackson Facebook page (Factcheck Jackson) to help separate fact from fiction. We will continue it past the elections.

But we also call on all Jacksonians who actually care about this city to set aside the belittlement and rumors and innuendo and demand a kinder, wiser body politic for our city. Play your role by stopping, taking a breath and telling us what's great about your idea or candidate rather than engage in the politics of destruction.


robbier 10 years, 11 months ago

I played my role by voting and obviously not for your candidate of choice. Disappointed in the JFP for mocking other campaigns on twitter with your "money talks" and whatnot, and then firing off this editorial holier than thou piece.


Sarahmina7294 10 years, 11 months ago

I fully agree with you, but you might want to start with some of YOUR OWN writer's words. The manner in which you have written about a candidate and the reason for your endorsement, is often riddled with innuendo. The words you use to imply one candidate's activism as divisive" is not helpful nor is it factual in content. If you want to require it of Jackson's citizentry, you need to require it of your writers. Additionally, I would guess that most of the people who may live outside of Jackson and comment on this election, have a vested interest in a growing and thriving Capital City. We are all connected whether we live here or just work here.


Knowledge06 10 years, 11 months ago

We may be connected to people who live outside the City of Jackson but I would beg to differ that MOST of them have an interest in a growing and thriving Capital City. All you have to do is just listen to them and read what they say. Perhaps what you write is what you want to see but that's not the case for the VAST MAJORITY that you speak about. Most people living in surrounding towns outside of Jackson can tell you more of what they think is going on in Jackson and less of what is actually going on where they live. I know folk who live in Clinton, Madison, Flowood, etc who didn't know of any of the candidates they voted for on this past Tuesday. But they could tell you every person running in most races in Jackson. MOST people outside of Jackson only know what they see on the news and read in the paper. Yet that is the only TRUTH they want to know. People like that can only make where they live look good if they tear down Jackson in the process. And that's unfortunate. People like me actually live in Jackson and actually have a vested interest in a growing and thriving Capital City. I'm connected to others who live here and prefer those that work here to share the same attitude. Otherwise, leave your job at the City limits and allow a Jacksonian to fill that position and help move the City forward!


FrankMickens 10 years, 11 months ago

Wait a minute.

If you are referring to the Lee default judgement(s) and the Quinn bankruptcy, these were not innuendo; both were on public record.

Now, think back to the Melton campaign and administration.

After the election when people noticed Frank's alcholism and propensity to seek out the company of young boys in a creepy manner, everyone, including the media said "I could have told you that". (To the JFP's credit, the JFP was beating that drum throughout the election season).

When you add Mr. Melton's antics with the MS Narcotics Bureau, there were more than enough "facts" to foretell a troubled administration.

Public records and public behavior are both fair game when evaluating a candidate's character, because you see them at their best in public, but once they are elected you get the "back room" issues.

Nothing I have said is meant to impune the character of anyone mentioned, but facts are facts.

The facts were put out and the public made a decision on those facts; so let's move on.

In my opinion, Jackson's Democratic primary race was above board, if we are referring to the Quinn and Lee public record becoming a campaign issue, open for public discussion.


donnaladd 10 years, 11 months ago

robbier, we wrote this editorial before the polls closed and before we tweeted that "money talks" (which it does; why do you think people raise so much, or bother to write checks to nearly double their donations?). It didn't matter who won; what disgusted us is all the FALSE innuendo and rumors that were put out there to win by any means necessary. We reported on all the candidates (and still are) and their public records, which is our job. That's journalism, and it's necessary. If you can't see the difference, never mind. But many are. My in-box is filling out with thank-yous for this editorial from people who get that tearing the city of Jackson down, truth be damned, in order to win an election is bad for the city. That garbage took us backward, and it didn't have to. I'm disappointed in my city, but I've seen it happen before, and we bounced back.

Oh, and cheers to all of the people who have worked tirelessly for so long to help Jackson come so far in the last decade. THANK YOU.


justjess 10 years, 11 months ago

@ Frank Mickins ".....these were not innuendo; both were on public record." Thanks Mr. Mickins! I am among the mourners of a candidate I supported but lost. The defeat was not half as bad as the so called "scorched-earth" campaign waged aganst him: pre and post election.

I worked as a volunteer on election day at Green Elementary School. I actually witnessed a police officer become disrespectful and just plain low down and nasty when Kathy Johnson, the Mayor's wife, kindly and gently ask him, "Will you please consider voting for Harvey Jonson?" There was total disrespect and disregard to her. Voters can and should be able to vote for the candidate of ther choice; however, when one is willing to take personal jabs and spread lies, this is a poblem.

We have many people in this city who are low informational political participants. There are others who criticize the fact that ALL streets in Jackson are not paved - some worse than others; yet, we are willing to listen to those who say, "He hasn't done anythng" or "The mayor lives in Madison." As Mr. Mickens said in his blog about public record re Lee's judgements and Quinn's bankruptcies , this lie could have been dispelled by simply checking public records. The Mayor's home phone is also a public list.

Many pretend to be so concerned about crime. Most of the crime that is committed in Jackson is Black on Black. The murders are done to and by people who know each other - people who should love each other. When "Scorched-Politics" are used against an opponent, it fuels the fire of negativity and encourage far too many to become aggressive, rude, cruel and socially unacceptabal: It then takes away the oppotunity for a people who have trust and positive hope issues. It also diminishes the capcity for any thoughts of a brighter future.

Yes Ladd, we MUST do better; otherwise, Jackson will not become a "Destination City"; it will become the City destined for failure!


justjess 10 years, 11 months ago

Oh, I forgot about this. At the televised debate, each candidate was asked to tell the audience about temselves. When Johnson gave a short laundry list of his experiences and accomplishments, some in the crowd BOOED!



833maple 10 years, 11 months ago

We live in a time where people are rude, spiteful and mean-spirited. It's sad.


sarahmina 10 years, 11 months ago

I'm not referring to Lee OR Quinn, I was referring to the divisiveness directed at Lumumba. Might I add that there are people living in the surrounding communities who DO have a vested interest in what happens in the capital city. I work in Jackson. Moved here 5 yrs ago wanting to live in Jackson (never been here before and with a short turn around time to find a place to live). I called the JACKSON Chamber for places to look in Jackson & was ultimately directed to Madison or Ridgeland. Yes, the JACKSON CHAMBER. I want to live in or near a metropolitan center city that is alive & thriving. It can only help me. Further, I have lots of friends in the city & visit often.

The recourse over the election is driven by the status quo money people and those who know their agenda. It is a true fight for the integrity of the current inner city populace and their right to benefit from their continued contribution to their city.


justjess 10 years, 11 months ago


"I called the JACKSON Chamber for places to look in Jackson & was ultimately directed to Madison or Ridgeland. Yes, the JACKSON CHAMBER."

Isn't it the Jackson Chamber that Jonathan Lee boasted about his BIG part in establishing? I rest my case.

Folks, you MUST wake up and listen to what this young man is trying to tell you: it ain't nothing pretty!


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