Question o' the Week: What is your top resolution for 2013?

Question o' the Week: What is your top resolution for 2013?

Melissa Kelly Learn a new skill. (unless I start re-taking flute lessons, then that will count).

Joan Blanton Finish dissertation.

Caroline Crawford Just be me.

Katie Staten Stafford All around better health. No smoking, less drinking, better food intake.

Kenneth E. Stiggers To be gainfully employed. It sucks being an unemployed satirist ... especially during the Christmas holiday.

Judykay Jefferson To move boldly into my future, unafraid, unstoppable.

Renee Shakespeare To keep my mouth closed and my mind open.

Jacob D. Fuller Make my screenplay into a short film.

Marie Jenkins To change. Do something different than I've been doing.

Jeanne Terpstra Yarbrough To listen.

Chelle Crawford To stop smoking. Of course that's my every single day resolution. Ugh!!!!!

Mitchell Moore Be more deliberate.

Keiona Miller Stop cursing so much...love saying bad words!

Kim Pinkerton Smith To be a more gentle mother. I feel like I'm too tough with my four kiddos sometimes.


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