Why I Love Thursdays

Ah… Thursdays. One of the main reasons I enjoy Thursdays is the weekly intern class. Sure, us interns see each other during the week, but this is a time to collectively get together. We are able to share our frustrations, weaknesses, triumphs and blunders. Amongst this group of people, I get to tell people about situations that my "non-writer friends" probably would roll their eyes at. Sometimes, they just can't relate.

Over the past couple of weeks, our class has talked about how to reinforce our skills by focusing on our weaknesses, not using our strengths as crutches. We shared our faults aloud and were able to see how the interns are alike in many ways. It's reassuring to know I am not the only one who gets nervous before an interview or edits themselves as they write.

Looking at other publications that offer internships and comparing with my journalism friends, I am getting so much more out of my internship that some can say, by far. Not many other publications offer classes each week for their interns, much less have their editor-in-chief teach the class themselves.

With this class, the interns get to know so much more about each other. The class doesn't feel like school- it's a gathering. Before the classes, I knew a few of my co-workers, but this was another way that we could meet and talk. Because of the class, I feel like I know them that much more.

This, my friends, is why I love Thursdays. I get to be myself around like-minded people and learn more about the career I hope to embark on in the future. With help from Donna, the interns, and all of the others at the JFP, this world of media looks that much less scary.


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