[Sue Doh Nem] Straight in 2008

Mr. Announcement: "It's the Holiday Celebration Choir Cantata, sponsored by the Gripe, Moan and Complain Support Groups of America and the Let Me Hold Five Dollars National Bank. We close the cantata with selections from the GMC Community Choir and the LMHFD Third Shift Praise Team."

Community Choir (singing): "Jingle bells, sub-prime-rate loan, evicted from our homes today. We're stuck like chuck with interest rates that we can't afford to pay.

"Gas is too high. Politicians tell us why we can't even drive away over the river and through the woods to grandma's house today. Keeping our homes warm has become such a task. Our electric bill is high, because we can't afford natural gas."

"Fixed incomes plague the poor and middle classes. We really hate to complain. We hope this too shall pass. And if our economy goes into recession, get off your butt and out to vote, and teach the politicians a lesson."

Rudy McBride (Praise Team hums): "'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the nation, not a consumer spent a dime, because of financial desolation. A broke employee re-sold Christmas gifts to buy gas for his automobile. Holiday poverty is very surreal. I sit at my desk and wonder how I can help a person on a fixed income who is without wealth.

"As I look at the 'Rainy Day Surplus' of the Let Me Hold Five Dollars National Bank, I'll just loan everyone $5 and hope everything will be straight in 2008."

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Mr. Announcement: “It’s the Holiday Celebration Choir Cantata, sponsored by the Gripe, Moan and Complain Support Groups of America How do I join? LOL



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