New Year's Twosome


It's a toss up—go out or stay in to celebrate New Year's Eve? Pair Shrimp Fettucine with your favorite Pinot Grigio, an unoaked Chardonnay or a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc for the perfect celebration.

Shrimp Fettucine for Two
Fettucine, fresh or store-bought
8 10-15 count headless shrimp
1/2 onion, medium diced
1 T. garlic, rough chopped
handful of arugula or spinach
juice of 1 lemon wedge
salt and pepper to taste; pinch chili flake
2 T. chopped parsley; olive oil to saute
6-8 cherry or pear tomatoes, halved
2-4 T. unsalted butter; 1/4 C. parmesan

Shell and devein the shrimp. Prepare your favorite fettucine. Reserve a quarter- to a half-cup of the liquid to use when making your sauce. In a large saute pan over medium high heat, saute the onion in olive oil with a pinch of salt. Take the onions to just a touch of color, not fully caramelized—you don't want to overpower the taste of the shrimp. Once the onions begin to get translucent, toss in the garlic and move it around the pan evenly. Add the pinch of chili flake. Let the garlic go 30-45 seconds so it won't burn. Deglaze the pan with the pasta water. Squeeze in the lemon juice, add the shrimp and pasta (a good-sized handful per person). Let it go about a minute. Add the tomatoes and cook for 20 seconds. Toss in the arugula or spinach and the butter. Toss it a couple of times, letting it go a maximum of 30-60 seconds. Toss in the parsley and the parmesan and season to taste with salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and toss a couple more times before plating. Enjoy with a baguette of tasty bread and the wine of your choice.

The New Orleans Fish House, 795 E. McDowell Road, 601-969-0725.


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