Documents for October 2016


MDE Appropriation Bill FY17

MDE Appropriation Bill FY17

MDE Appropriation Bill FY16

MDE Appropriation Bill FY16

5th Circuit Gee Opinion (Sep. 2016)

5th Circuit Gee Opinion (Sep. 2016)

CIPHER PAC Registration (10-25-16)

CIPHER PAC Registration (10-25-16)

Proposed Parking Meter Order

Proposed Parking Meter Order for City of Jackson

Comstat Report for Oct.10-16, 2016

Jackson Police Department Comstat Report for Oct.10-16, 2016

Defendant's Motion (PPSE Medicaid Reimbursement Lawsuit)

Defendant's Motion (PPSE Medicaid Reimbursement Lawsuit)

Order Planned Parenthood Medicaid Reimbursement Lawsuit

Order in Planned Parenthood Medicaid Reimbursement Lawsuit

Planned Parenthood Lawsuit (Medicaid Bill)

Planned Parenthood Initial Complaint (Medicaid Bill)

Order Repealing Neighborhood Gating Ordinance

Order Repealing Neighborhood Gating Ordinance

MDHS Contracting Emails (Oct. 5, 2016)

MDHS Contracting Emails (Oct. 5, 2016)

Reason Foundation Presentation (Leg. Workgroup)

Reason Foundation Presentation (Leg. Workgroup)

Sentencing Project Report: 6 Million Lost Voters

Sentencing Project Report: 6 Million Lost Voters

DMH Contracting Emails to Leg. Workgroup

DMH Contracting Emails to Leg. Workgroup

MDOC Contracting Emails (Oct. 7, 2016)

MDOC Contracting Emails (Oct. 7, 2016)

Tax Foundation Amicus Brief (CO Amazon Tax Case)

Tax Foundation Amicus Brief (CO Amazon Tax Case)

10th Circuit Opinion (Colorado Amazon Tax Law)

10th Circuit Opinion (Colorado Amazon Tax Law)

Arts and Economic Prosperity IV: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences in Greater Jackson Area

Arts and Economic Prosperity IV: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences in Greater Jackson Area

Aug. 19 Letter from Butler

August 19, 2016 Letter from Christopher Butler

Feb. 16 Letter from Butler

February 16, 2016 Letter from Christopher Butler

Motion for Immediate Bench Trial on the Misdemeanor Charge Contained in Count III

Motion for Immediate Bench Trial on the Misdemeanor Charge Contained in Count III filed by Attorney General's Office

Federal Complaint by U-Own

Federal Complaint filed by U-Own's parent company against Mega Mattress and, as a party, Christopher Butler

Danks's Motion for AG's Petition for Grand Jury

Co-Defendant, Jamie McBride's Motion and Demand for the Mississippi Attorney General's Written Petition Requesting the Impanelment (sic) of the Grand Jury

Waide's Motion to Produce Transcript of Culpepper Testimony

Jim Waide's Motion to Direct Judge Weill's Court Reporter to Provide Transcripts of Sealed Hearings

Flowers Order to Set Briefing Schedule MS Supreme Court

Flowers Order to Set Briefing Schedule MS Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Order Flowers Case (Vacate, Remand)

U.S. Supreme Court Order Flowers Case (Vacate, Remand)

Flowers MS Supreme Court Opinion (6th Trial)

Curtis Flowers MS Supreme Court Opinion (6th Trial)

Flowers Writ of Cert to U.S. Supreme Court

Flowers Writ of Certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court

Pro-Life 2016 Consent Decree

Pro-Life 2016 Consent Decree

Pro-Life 2014 Complaint

Pro-Life 2014 Complaint

Gov. Bryant Racial Reconciliation Celebration Proclamation

Gov. Bryant Racial Reconciliation Proclamation

House Bill 906: Replacing RID with Evidence-Based Program

House Bill 906: Replacing RID with Evidence-Based Program

Flowers (Separate Case File) Petition for Post-Conviction Relief

Flowers (Separate Case File) Petition for Post-Conviction Relief