All results / Stories / Tim Summers Jr.

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State Begins Lead Testing of Children, Awaits City's Corrosion Compliance Plan

The City of Jackson has extended a "precautionary boil notice" from last week's treatment-plant shutdown.

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Airport's New Plan: Development, East Metro Corridor, Challenges Prominent

Development of the area around the airport is at the center of the recently released Jackson Municipal Airport Authority's "Strategic Plan 2021."

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As the Water Turns, City Wrestles Over Corrosion Study

One question has haunted Jackson residents since January: Is the water safe to drink?

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City Roundup: Local Control for ’Hoods, Crime’s Root Causes, Taxi Wars

In its third annual attempt, the Jackson City Council worked to approve a resolution to support a private, local fund resource for neighborhood associations to address their local issues, like sidewalks, parks and other issues.

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New Madison Airport Push Potential 'Threat,' Jackson Airport Still in Committee

A new report from the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority reveals a years-long discussion about a Madison County commercial airport, as a bill focusing on the "takeover" of the Jackson Municipal Airport remains in House committee as of this morning.

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Council President: City 'Hiccups' With Public-Records Response Need to End

Council President Melvin Priester Jr. wants the whole of city government, including Mayor Tony Yarber's administration, to make public records a high priority.

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City to Release Data-Driven Website April 1, Many More Documents Online

The City of Jackson is planning to open the doors to its data vaults, promising a new and deep information-driven vehicle for citizens to explore the municipal records and resources that normally take weeks, or even months, to receive, if at all.

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Post-Uber, Jackson’s Taxicab Drivers Want Fewer Regs, More Freedom

Jackson City Council President Melvin Priester Jr., of Ward 2, wants to re-evaluate the taxi industry in light of policies Uber forced the city to address head-on.

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Transparency in the City

Several new technology additions to the City of Jackson will hopefully open up the records of a municipality that has of late been plagued by what some city leaders called "hiccups."

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Water Engineer Blues, An Orange Cone Op

The City of Jackson is still out of compliance with the Mississippi Department of Health requirements for a study of corrosion control as of the March 22 meeting of the City Council, as the Public Works Department explores introducing new chemicals to the water to control corrosion in the pipes.

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Capitol Improvement District Passes, Only 10% of Contractors Must Be Minority

A large chunk of Jackson would become an improvement district under a bill that passed the Mississippi House of Representatives yesterday.

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Director: Airport in Talks with Low-cost Carrier, 91% Fly Out of Jackson

Minutes after the Mississippi House of Representatives passed the airport "takeover" bill after hours of debate and a Democratic filibuster attempt, Carl Newman traced his fingers across a wall-sized aerial photograph of the airport, speaking with calm confidence about his plans, including continuous, ongoing talks with a new low-cost carrier.

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Report: Roads Cost Each Jacksonian $1,879 Annually, Most Expensive Driving City

It is more expensive to drive in Jackson than anywhere else in the state, a study released from a national transportation research group found.

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Jackson Airport CEO Newman Outlines Plans for Hotel, Low-Cost Carrier

The airport's chief executive officer, during an interview at the airport on March 24 just as the Mississippi House was passing its controversial "takeover" bill of the facility, outlined a five-year plan that centered on several development and growth priorities.

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Dems Promise Retribution, Evoke Slavery in ‘Hijacked Airport’ House Debate

The black and Democratic caucuses did not pull punches in testimony against the Jackson airport "takeover" bill that passed the Mississippi House March 24, including attempts to modify the legislation with eight amendments that all failed.

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JPS: Lead Above 'Regulatory Limit' Found at Lee Elementary, Details Testing Plan

One of the water fountains in Lee Elementary tested for lead above "regulatory levels" during the first round of tests that Jackson Public Schools conducted.

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City of Jackson Unveils New Data Portal, Part of Transparency Initiative

Mayor Tony Yarber's favorite part of the new data portal opened to the public this morning is the live tracking of infrastructure construction projects, including pothole repair.

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UPDATE: Council Approves Trilogy for Water Corrosion Study; Emergency Loan to Fund It

Mayor Tony Yarber introduced a $291,989 contract with Trilogy Engineering for a corrosion-control study to the Jackson City Council yesterday during its work session, with the means to pay for it through an emergency state loan.

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BREAKING: City of Jackson Shocked by Low Water-Sewer Revenue, Litigation Ahead?

The City of Jackson is almost 12 percent behind projected revenue for water and sewer for this fiscal year, and the administration is considering potential litigation involving one of the vendors, it said Monday.

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'These Are Human Beings': Jackson City Council Passes Resolution Against HB 1523

Late tonight, the Jackson City Council unanimously passed a resolution proclaiming their opposition to the controversial Mississippi House Bill 1523 just less than 10 hours after Gov. Phil Bryant signed it into law today. The resolution mirrors Biloxi's resolution but with added amendments.