All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Experts Stress Online Safety for Teens

Parents must be aware of how their children are interacting in an era of instant communication, and they must exercise control over spaces where nothing ever disappears—even when it's not true.

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Clay Hardwick Turns Up the Arts

Clay Hardwick doesn't name his canvas creations. Instead, each piece carries the year, a season and a sequential number: "2012-fall-08," for example.

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Pro-Immigrant Agenda Unveiled at Capitol

During MIRA's Civic Engagement Day, attendees walked from the MIRA office on North State Street to the state capitol.

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Dems Push for Fair Pay

Democrats in the state Legislature are advocating a number of bills that put equal pay for women in the forefront.

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Council Hears Zoning Issues; Certifies Election

Jackson City Council members heard opposing views on zoning issues on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and some briefly called into question the results of Jan. 14 vote to approve a 1-percent sales tax to pay for work on the city's crumbling infrastructure.

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New BCBS Policy Raises Alarm

Physicians are alarmed about a new Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi policy that could take effect as early as Feb. 1. The insurance giant proposes to end prescription coverage for medications prescribed by out-of-network doctors.

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Jackson Rising Emphasizes Cooperatives

The topic was forming cooperatives when community leaders met with Jackson citizens Thursday night at the Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity center on Livingston Road.

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Women’s Rights, Safety Again at Issue

Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, knows his anti-abortion "heartbeat" bill likely will not survive the current session of the Mississippi Legislature, but he introduced it anyway.

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BCBS Change Sparks Concerns, Legislation

Dr. Elizabeth Perry and other health professionals are concerned about a new "benefit" that Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi has added to its plans this year to end prescription coverage for medications prescribed by out-of-network doctors.

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Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Before we can give love freely, we first have to love ourselves. It doesn't begin "out there."

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Eudora Welty: Reading a Murderer’s Mind

Eudora Welty only wrote one story in anger. She drafted it the day she learned of Medgar Evers' assassination.

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Alignment Jackson: Creating the Village

A powerful concept that promises to stem the growing tide of Jackson's high-school dropouts was on the agenda Feb. 4 at the Parents for Public Schools Lunch Bunch meeting at the Jackson Medical Mall.

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Chamber May Unveil Sales-Tax Commission Members This Week

Now that Jacksonians overwhelmingly approved an additional 1 percent sales tax in January, the question of who will oversee the spending of those funds is coming into focus.

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Jackson Still Upbeat on Capitol Agenda

Part of Walter Zinn's job, as director of governmental affairs for Jackson, is lobbying for the interests of the capital city in the state Legislature, which can be frustrating.

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Health-Care Navigators Fight Misinformation

Jarvis Dortch, program manager for the Mississippi Health Advocacy Group and a marketplace navigator for the Affordable Care Act, says many people don’t know that the ACA is the same as “Obamacare.”

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Love, Laughter and Zippity Doo Dah

If laughter and love are balms for the soul—and surely they are—spending Valentine's Day morning with Jill Conner Browne provided plenty of both.

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Starving the Public-Education 'Beast'

The statute that SB 2091 proposes to change contains the rules for MAEP, including how the Legislature should calculate funding for school districts.

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Colleges Recruited to Offer Teen-Pregnancy Solutions

SB 2563 specifies that colleges provide information on how to avoid pregnancy in "success courses and orientations," and incorporate facts about unplanned pregnancy in other academic classes.

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Getting Ready for the 1-Percent Sales Tax

Businesses across the state have emails in their inboxes from the Mississippi Department of Revenue about accounting for the capital city's 1-percent sales tax beginning March 1.

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Focus on Mississippi's Immigrants

Fellowship and good food trumped the torrential downpour last night for about 100 Jackson area residents who came out to show their support for a good cause.