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Partnership for Prescription Assistance in Jackson

[verbatim] The 'Help is Here Express' bus tour will be stopping in Mississippi the week of March 9-13 at various cities throughout the state in order to help uninsured and financially-struggling Mississippians access information on programs that provide prescription medicines for free or nearly free.

Resolutions that Work

With every New Year, there are some resolutions that predictably fall flat by Valentine's Day, if not a several weeks sooner. Topping the discard list: Lose weight and exercise more.

Industry Denies High-Fructose Corn Syrup Unhealthy

The president of the Corn Refiners Association sent an e-mail to JFP contributing writer Brandi Herrera Phrem about her story "Healthy Holiday Eating," stating that "the suggestion that high fructose corn syrup is an unhealthy ingredient is misleading."

Great Deal for Tuesday's To-Do List

If getting fit and healthy plays a role in your New Year's resolution, put Make It Fit on your to-do list for tomorrow.

Thinking Abundantly

To get love, you have to give it.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Start with a hole and sure enough, something comes along to fill it, whether that's water from a storm, leaves from the trees or an enterprising rodent looking for a safe hiding place from a cat.

Women and Girls HIV Community Event at JSU Tomorrow

The event will raise awareness about the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among women.

[verbatim] Jackson State University's Southern Institute for Mental Health Advocacy, Research and Training (SMHART) and the Jackson-based HIV/AIDS organization Building Bridges, Inc., will sponsor the "National Women and Girls HIV Community Event" from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 11 at the Jackson Medical Mall, 350 W. Woodrow Wilson Drive in Jackson, Miss.

Present to My Presence

"It's a lot easier to ride a horse in the direction that it's going," I said to the seven people sitting across from me. It was my regular Wednesday night gig at Butterfly Yoga on State Street, and all eight of us were on the floor, cross-legged on yoga mats at the beginning of class.

Recession Declared: Market Down 680 Points

The New York Times is reporting that the rumors of a recession are true:

Nativist Lobby Makes Demands for Stimulus Bill

The Mississippi Business Journal reported yesterday that nativist lobby group FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, is pushing Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) to include language in the economic stimulus bill to "ensure that the jobs created go to legal U.S. workers only."

Mississippi Employment Expo on March 17

If you're looking for a job, save the date: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 is the Mississippi Employment Expo at the Trademart in Jackson, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. WAPT reports that 96 employers are signed up so far, with more expected. The event is free, but get there early: organizers expect to double last year's attendance of 3,000 people.

George Street Once Again

Locals Jason and Shannon Cockrell, owners of Sam's Lounge, are the proud new owners of 416 George Street. They've been renovating the circa 1910 building, which once housed the George Street Grocery, since last October and have renamed it the Ole Tavern on George Street.

Big 3 Bailout Still Contentious

The proposed Congressional bailout of Detroit's Big 3 Automakers is proving to be fraught with landmines of opposing opinion. In today's New York Times, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell says that the proposed bailout is "deeply flawed":

Half-Million Jobs Cut in November

The Washington Post is reporting job losses of 533,000 in November, affecting construction, computer makers, auto dealers, clothing stores, banks and insurance companies. Here's a snippet from the story:

Handy Hardware Coming to Mississippi

[verbatim from the Governor's office]

Jackson, Mississippi - Governor Haley Barbour announced today that Handy Hardware, a member-owned hardware buying group, will open a distribution center in Meridian. The company plans to employ more than 150 people.

Don't Let Holiday Deals Become Holiday Debt

The Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Jackson cautions consumers to avoid impulse purchases this holiday season. [Verbatim from press release.]

Detroit and Buggy Whips

Back in the days when personal computers, internet use and e-mail was in the process of becoming ubiquitous—not so very long ago—I heard a lot of talk about buggy-whips. In the business I was in at the time, graphic design and typesetting, we had a somewhat haughty opinion about all this new-fangled technology, allowing the untrained and untalented to produce amazingly ungainly advertising and marketing materials.

Mississippi Ad a ‘Misstep'?

Calling marketing an art, not a science, an editorial in yesterday's Sun Herald tells the story of an ad run by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitor's Bureau, attempting to attract visitors coming into New Orleans for the upcoming Sugar Bowl.

[Mott] Sicko Nation

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, the radio reported a plane flying into the World Trade Center as I was driving to work. The word "terrorists" hadn't yet entered into the picture. Later, settling in at my desk, I received a message from a friend leaving for a business trip. She was afraid to go to the airport, she wrote. She had a bad feeling.

[Mott] Happiness Worth Celebrating

For too long in Mississippi, the legal community--police, lawyers and judges--have seen domestic abuse as a problem best dealt with at home. Women bring violence on themselves, the thinking goes; they should just do what their men tell them to. That's changing in this state, albeit slowly, and only after a lot of work by smart and dedicated people.

[Mott] What Would Jesus Drive?

My sister Lisa accused me of being a communist. She was kidding, I hope. Lisa is a die-hard Republican by her own admission; I'm fairly certain that she prays for my lefty-liberal soul. We have some "colorful" conversations because we disagree on many issues, including global warming. While she admits there might be a problem, Lisa believes that most of the science is "junk," and she simply doesn't think that humans have the power to threaten the well-being of the entire earth.