All results / Stories / Lacey McLaughlin

Minority Jobs, MDA at Center of Special Session Debate

Several black representatives have expressed concerns today that a proposed funding bill to bring 1,800 jobs in the state will overlook minorities. In a special session Gov. Haley Barbour called for today, the Mississippi Legislature will vote on $175 million in bonds and incentives for two technology plants to open in Mississippi and a tax-rebate program for Pascagoula-based Huntington Ingalls shipyard to create an additional 3,000 jobs.

James Hatten

As the director of development of The Plant on Highway 80, James Hatten wants to bring more economic activity and creativity to the Highway 80 Corridor in South Jackson.

DuPree Aims to Win

Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree proved that grass-roots organizing matters more than cash when it comes to winning the Democratic Party nomination for governor. Now, many voters are wondering about the likelihood of DuPree winning the governor's race against Republican Phil Bryant on Nov. 8.

Legislators to Decide on Project Funds

In a special session tomorrow, the Mississippi Legislature will vote on $75 million in bonds and incentives for two technology plants to open in Mississippi.

Family Files Wrongful Death Suit Against Teens

Family members of the late James Anderson decided not to speak this morning as previously planned at a press conference to announce a wrongful death lawsuit they have filed against Rankin County teens for the beating and murder of Anderson because he was black.

Downtown to Get More Sidewalks

By early 2012, downtown Jackson will have additional sidewalks and improved green space, Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. announced today.

County Denies Tax Forgiveness for Company

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors denied an electric-tool manufacturing company's request to not pay more than $1 million in property taxes this morning. The company, Milwaukee Tools, claimed it overestimated the inventory reported to the county last year, and therefore should not be required to pay taxes on an incorrect assessment.

Meeting Focuses on Crime Solutions

Local law enforcement officials, justice advocates, clergy members and Jackson residents came together last night to discuss solutions on tackling crime in Jackson.

JFP Dog of the Day: Francis

In February, Francis was fighting for his life after a resident found him in a cardboard box, unconscious and suffering from neglect. The dog's story of recovery has inspired thousands and earned him the winner of Fuzzy Nation's supermodel pet photo contest.

Dunn Lampton

Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Jim Kitchens was impressed with Dunn Lampton's drive and intelligence when he hired him to work as his assistant district attorney for Mississippi's 14 Judicial District in 1976, although he was fresh out of Ole Miss law school and had little trial experience.

Council Offers Few Changes to Mayor's Budget

Jackson City Council members may have voiced concerns over their role in crafting the city's budget for fiscal year 2012, but yesterday's special meeting to add amendments to the budget was anti-climatic with only two proposed changes passed.

Bluntson Threatens Legal Action Against Mayor

Jackson City Council President Frank Bluntson said yesterday that he would take legal action against Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr., if necessary, to obtain the names and salaries of all city employees. Bluntson cited several failed attempts to get the information from Johnson in preparation for passing the city's budget.

Suit Against Mental Health Waits on Ruling

Read the complaint.

Ablene Cooper to Appeal ‘Help' Decision

Attorneys for Ablene Cooper claim Kathryn Stockett used their client's name and image without permission in "The Help." Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green threw out her case this morning, however, saying Cooper did not file her complaint against the author within a one-year statute of limitations. Cooper's attorneys say they will appeal Green's decision.

Doctor Promotes Health Care Tech

By performing robotic surgeries and using technology to educate patients, Jackson obstetrician and gynecologist Samuel Brown hopes to revolutionize health care in Mississippi.

Stokes to Resign from City Council

Jackson Ward 3 City Councilman Kenneth Stokes said he plans to resign from City Council in order to serve as Hinds County's new District 5 supervisor.

Hinds County Officials Spar, Returning to Courthouse Sunday

After more than two days of resolving conflicts over the Tuesday's elections, election officials and campaign supporters will head back to the Hinds County Courthouse at 9 a.m. Saturday to continue counting ballots and resolving voting issues.

Creating a Spectacle

At 7:05 a.m. Aug. 2, Republican Executive Committee Chairman Pete Perry received an urgent call from a poll worker at the Wynndale Precinct in Terry. The poll worker told him that candidates' names for certain races were not appearing on some of the electronic voting machines, and he needed more paper ballots quickly.

Where the Sewage Ends

For the past year and a half, residents on Edmar Place in east Fondren have heard the continuous rumblings from a generator as it pumps sewage out of the ground and sends it to the city's sewage treatment facility.

Community Stands Against Racial Injustice

As more than 500 community leaders, families and public officials held candles and sang "This Little Light of Mine" last night, they walked in unison along Ellis Avenue to honor the life of James Craig Anderson and take a stand against racial injustice.