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Brent Hendrixson

Millsaps biology professor Dr. Brent Hendrixson's fascination with eight-legged crawling creatures started when he was a child and is now taking him to places like Costa Rica for research.

Larry McAdoo

Teaching adolescents to make good choices is what Larry McAdoo says he does best. McAdoo, 58, has been working since 2004 with Redemption Outreach Ministries International, Inc. a non-profit organization that he founded with the intention of teaching local youths about abstaining from sex until marriage. This month, the National Advisory Board of the National Abstinence Education Association appointed McAdoo to serve as a board member. In his new role, McAdoo will help promote abstinence-only education by lobbying for legislation and promoting strategic goals of the NAEA.

Derek Emerson

Of all the dishes that Walker's Drive-In serves to its customers, Chef Derek Emerson says that tuna is his personal favorite. "It has to do with the way I created it," the James Beard Best Chef nominee says. "I like tuna, and I love working with it."

JFP Wins 3 First-Place Reporting Awards, Second for ‘Two Lakes' Work

At its 60th annual Green Eyeshade banquet near Atlanta, Ga., Saturday night, the Society of Professional Journalists awarded the Jackson Free Press three first-place reporting awards and second-place public service honors for in-depth coverage of the late Mayor Frank Melton; domestic abuse and the murder of Heather Spencer; and the controversial "Two Lakes" development proposal along the Pearl River.

Kaye Carr

Selflessness is not a common quality, but it is embedded deeply in Kaye Carr. Carr, 37, serves on the board of directors at Hope Hollow Ministries, a Canton-based non-profit that provides opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to go to summer camp. Born and raised in Ridgeland, Carr now lives in Canton and got involved with Hope Hollow nearly a year ago through her 5-year-old son Sam, who has sensory issues similar to autism.

Barbour Joins Health Care Suit

Despite Attorney General Jim Hood's advice, Gov. Haley Barbour announced today that he will join a multi-state lawsuit against national health-care legislation President Barack Obama signed last month.

Local Catering Business Serves Home-Cooked Favorites

Macy Chester, 31, owner of Cosmopolitan Catering in Fondren, learned the ins and outs of the catering business from her mother, Terry Gibson, a former caterer in Yazoo City.

Owen Brooks

Few people can honestly say that they have helped to affect a culture like Owen Brooks has. Brooks, 81, born in New York but raised in Boston, participated in the Civil Rights movement that shaped our country's view of racial standing and has worked to further that goal in Mississippi for over 40 years. While participating in the Civil Rights Movement, the Boston native had the honor of meeting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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St. Paddy's Party Plan

St. Patrick's Day is officially March 17, but in Jackson, the party only starts then, with goings-on around town right through Sunday.

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The 2008 Chicks We Love

The Better Half of Mississippi

They are news anchors, business owners, artists and moms. They are the better half of the Hospitality State. They are the Chicks We Love.

Single-Minded Purpose

In March 1944, Hannah Senesh, a young Jew from Budapest who had immigrated to Palestine five years earlier, parachuted into Yugoslavia in an effort to make contact with Hungarian Jews, establish resistance movements and carve out routes of escape from eastern Europe. Senesh was single-minded in her purpose, driven by her desperate need to find her mother and spirit her away before the Final Solution would ultimately descend upon the last bastion of Hungarian Jewry.

A Guy's Guide to V-Day

Well guys, it's that time of year that we all dread. (No, not your mother's birthday. Don't worry; you didn't forget it. … I hope). It's Valentine's Day. … DUN DUN DUN.

How We Live

Americans tend to think that bigger is better when it comes to building a home. The average home size in the United States has almost tripled since 1950, according to the National Association of Homebuilders.

A Call from the Wild

"Fantastic Mr. Fox" is rare breed. It unfolds slowly and on its own time. It never drags; its pace is leisurely but well measured. The art style and stop-motion photography are as unique as the story; the low-tech but painstaking animation and cinematic puppetry works well in this uncompromisingly old-fashioned tale. Thoughtful and entertaining, "Fantastic Mr. Fox" is nothing short of fantastic.

Homespun Horror

Watching "Night of the Loup Garou" is like crowding into your friend's basement to screen a film you shot on the weekends and your evenings off.

Halloween Flicks

I've never been one to trick-or-treat or dress up for parties, but Halloween is the perfect time to switch off the lights, turn up the volume and sink uneasily into your favorite chair for a few terrifying hours of cinematic fright.

Father's Day

Not all dads are alike, but, categorically, all dads like gadgets. If you haven't started looking for a gift for your dad or that special man in your life, we've given you a head start with some great ideas. You have less than two weeks left to shop. Read this week's JFP Flip Issue, then go!

St. Patty's Sched

St. Patrick's Day is officially March 17, but in Jackson, the party only starts then, with goings-on around town right through Sunday. Make sure to check for lots more fun.

Cookin' for Mom

Being a mother herself, Faye Dickerson knows that things can get stressful on Mother's Day. All that a mom wants to do is sit back and relax, though most times she ends up preparing a meal for herself and her family. Dickerson believes that mothers should be taken care of on their special day, and that one of the ways to do that is to take care of the food for her.

Melvin Priester Jr.

You might see Melvin Priester Jr. around Jackson in his family's law office or working on his father's campaign to become a Hinds County Court judge for Sub-District 1. You also might see him riding his bike (his only mode of transportation), working the door for a local concert, deejaying a party or promoting Cross-Pollinate, a local lecture series he formed to bring artists from various parts of the country to Jackson.