All results / Stories / Ashton Pittman

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Mississippians See Growth on Amazon, But Politicians Misstate Report

Amazon reported in a May 1 press statement that Mississippi retailers boasted the fastest year-over-year growth among Amazon retailers. State leaders seized on the news but misstated the case.

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Mississippi Candidates Raise Millions in Race for Governor

Mississippi candidates vying to become the state's next governor raised millions of dollars in the first political fundraising quarter.

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Teachers Vent Frustrations and Share Ideas at Hughes Townhall

On the penultimate day of Mississippi's 2019 legislative session, state leadership dropped an amended version of an appropriations bill for state construction projects on lawmakers just 23 minutes before asking them to take a vote.

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Mississippi Republicans Vote Against LGBT Civil Rights Bill

U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo, a Republican who represents Mississippi's 4th District, hearkened back to some familiar hyperbole on Friday as he blasted the Democratic-controlled Congress for passing the Equality Act.

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Activists Warn Against 'World's Largest Pellet Mill' in Mississippi

Enviva says it will bring jobs and millions in revenue to an ailing local economy by building the world's largest wood pellet plant in George County, but environmental groups warn that the mill would not only harm the climate, but could pose health hazards to Lucedale residents.

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Mississippi Six-Week Abortion Ban 'Smacks of Defiance,' Federal Judge Says

U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves did not rule on whether or not he will block Mississippi's six-week abortion ban in federal court today. He said he will issue a ruling at a later date on whether to block it from taking effect.

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'I Am Pissed Off': Mississippians Rage Against Abortion Bans

Opponents of abortion bans nationwide held #StopTheBans rallies across the country on Tuesday.

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As Mississippi Debates Abortion, Maternal Mortality Remains High

In Mississippi, pregnant women already die at higher rates than in most of the country, and the state is near the top in infant mortality.

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'Brazen Disregard for Trans Health': Trump Ends Protections

Transgender Americans will no longer be protected from health-care discrimination after the Trump administration rolled back an Obama-era health-care policy on Friday.

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The Unwritten Story: The JFP Interview with Governor Hopeful Velesha P. Williams

For two hours, Velesha P. Williams shared her vision for moving Mississippi forward, and how she, a former U.S. Army officer who also spent years working at Jackson State University, plans to make it happen.

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Top Mississippi Congressman Calls for Trump Impeachment

U.S. House Rep. Bennie Thompson, a top Democrat in Congress, is calling for House leaders to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

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Southern ‘Defiance’: The Fight for Roe Rages in Mississippi

Earlier this month, Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, who sponsored an anti-abortion bill in Mississippi this year, told the Jackson Free Press that those laws are indeed intended to trigger a Roe "test case" before the Supreme Court.

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Taggart 'Disappointed' That Fitch Plans to Skip AG Debates

Republican candidate for Mississippi attorney general Andy Taggart criticized one of his opponents, State Treasurer Lynn Fitch, in an open letter on Monday because she does not plan to attend two debates later this week.

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Mississippi Mental Health Lawsuit Poses Concerns for Civil Rights

As a mental-health lawsuit claiming a violation of the civil rights of mentally ill Mississippians moves forward, Joy Hogge has in mind "a young person" who never received the support they needed.

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AG Candidates Praise 'Heartbeat Bill,' Anti-LGBT Laws, Tort Reform

About 50 people showed up at a venue that would seat 1,200 on Wednesday night to hear Republican candidates explain why voters should elect them as Mississippi's next attorney general—the state's chief legal officer who holds the power to bring or defend against lawsuits on behalf of the state.

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Gipson: Officers Were 'Only Trying to Help' When They Shot His Father

Mississippi Agriculture Commissioner Andy Gipson said he does not blame the officers involved in the shooting death of his father, Harry Gipson.

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Black Voting Strength at Stake in Republican Request to 5th Circuit

Mississippi Republican leaders are fighting a court ruling that would increase black voting power in a gerrymandered state Senate district that meanders about 100 miles from Cleveland in the Mississippi Delta down into Madison County just north of Jackson.

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The Fight for Family Goes On

After the Obergefell decision, Mississippi’s leaders "made sure to let us know we are still beneath the religious elite," Rev. Brandiilyne Mangum-Dear said. "We may have acquired marriage that day (in 2015), but we certainly didn't get equality."

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Women's Group Honors Evelyn Gandy: 'A Giant in Mississippi Politics'

Jennifer Ingram Johnson was the featured speaker at a League of Women Voters luncheon meant to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

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Death Rates Rise for Mississippi Children and Teens

Mortality rates for Mississippi's teens and children have risen in the past nine years, a report that the Annie E. Casey Foundation published on Monday found.