All results / Stories / Amber Helsel

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Being the 'Best of Enemies'

"Right now, we’re in a time in our history where we’re so polarized as groups of people. We need to remember that people can come together and find common ground.”

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Keith Tonkel

Keith Tonkel, who was the pastor of Wells United Methodist Church, died Wednesday, March 8, from throat cancer complications.

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What Do You Know About Being Green?

It's time for the annual Hal's St. Paddy's Parade & Festival. To make sure you get where you want to be, when you want to be there, the Jackson Free Press wanted to provide a helpful guide for the day's festivities. Here is a run-down of what to expect.

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Jackson Needs More Camaraderie

It's great to have a sense of pride in your neighborhood, but it's also important to remember that we're all part of one city.

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Creating a Sandbox

On March 31 and April 1, both Fondren and Mantle. will be bustling with more activity as Mantle. gears up for its first annual Sandbox Live, which is an event that will combine technology, film and music into one platform.

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Life in Code: Nader Dabit

The Jackson Free Press recently talked to Nader Dabit on the phone about his experience in coding, the importance of data in education, and the coding scene in Mississippi and Jackson.

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Digital JXN

Jackson and Mississippi are synonymous with blues music and comeback sauce and authors such as Eudora Welty and Richard Wright. But sometime soon, Jackson could be known for its technology scene.

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Don’t Cut the Creative Industries

A ton of art mediums can provide a different point of view, from painting something in an unfamiliar style, to getting low to the ground and capturing that perfect photo, to telling other people's stories.

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A Timely Tale

At a time when issues such as law enforcement's treatment of people of color are at the forefront of social discussions, films such as "On Time" can play a crucial role in highlighting what's wrong.

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Legacy of a Blues Legend

While blues music has a lot of better-known legends, musicians such as Mississippi Fred McDowell quietly helped to shape the genre into what know today.

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Beer: If It Looks Good, Drink It

I've always loved this particular phrase from "Bizarre Foods" host Andrew Zimmern: "If it looks good, eat it."

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Downtown's Sweet Restoration

The JFP recently talked to Elizabeth Augustine over the phone about her journey to Sugar Ray's, the business itself and its place in the landscape of a changing downtown Jackson.

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Robbie Fisher

Recently, Jackson-area filmmaker Robbie Fisher's film, "A Mississippi Love Story," which follows the journey of couple Eddie and Justin Outlaw, won Best Direction at the New York Premiere Film Festival.

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The Sweet and the Sauer

The day before the grand opening of Sweet & Sauer's fermentation kitchen at The Hatch in midtown Jackson, Lauren Rhoades was in her kitchen, preparing ingredients for her fermented mustard.

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Susan Olmsted

Cathead Distillery Marketing Manager Susan Olmsted says one of the reasons she has always been drawn to small business is because the people in it have to rely on each other more than in larger businesses.

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It Started With Ramen

I had real ramen for the first time last year at one of the Mississippi Museum of Art's Museum After Hours events. And I don't mean the instant kind. I was so excited that I took a photo of it and then quickly devoured it.

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Interesting Foods to Try at the Mississippi State Fair

Fairs tend to attract people from all over the nation, and many of them have interesting foods to try.

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Don’t Go Fair-Food Crazy

Like most state fairs, the Mississippi State Fair isn't exactly the place where you can always find the healthiest food. But why would you want to? Most people go for a day or two, and they want to have fun and not worry about their waistbands or health.

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Patrick Kelly

Vicksburg-native fashion designer Patrick Kelly's mission was to make people smile. His designs were whimsical and playful, often including elements such as multi-colored buttons and bows.

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Keep Calm, Gumbo On

Each year, Jackson area restaurants and foodies gather together for two reasons: to celebrate Hal White's legacy and to see who makes the best gumbo.