The JFP Debate Drinking Game Rules


With only one more debate on the books between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney 
(Monday, Oct. 22), we've perfected our drinking game rules. Cheers!

  • Drink while doing a bicep curl every time Michelle Obama is mentioned or shown on screen.
  • Chug if either candidate tells a heartwarming story about someone they met on the campaign trail.
  • Drink every time a former president is mentioned—twice if it is Reagan, Clinton or Jack Kennedy.
  • Chug if "Obamacare" or "Romneycare" are mentioned.
  • Drink if they go over time, and continue until they are done or cut off by the moderator.
  • Drink each time Obama says "middle class."
  • Drink each time Romney says "spending" or "entitlement."
  • Drink every time Romney changes his position.
  • Drink and curse every time Romney says "Mr. President" in a condescending, "What are you doing here?" way.


kdg1stlove 11 years, 6 months ago

Okay, with these rules everyone will be passed out by minute 15...just saying...


SBowley 11 years, 6 months ago

Actually, everyone will be depressingly sober since this debate is completely on foreign policy...


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